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Erittäin kuuma aihe (Enemmän kuin 50 vastausta) pörpör - A-V:n mopoprojektia (Luettu 47543 kertaa)
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Los projectos..

Viestejä: 2732
Sijainti: Järvimaa
Liittynyt: 01.05.04
Sukupuoli: Mies
Re: pörpör - A-V:n mopoprojektia
Vastaus #90 - 24.10.11 klo 17:14:09
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Komia "talli" tohon rakenteluun.. Mitenkäs hallitus tykkää gason hajusta sisätilossa?  Virnistys Virnistys Silmänisku Silmänisku
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just ramblin'...

Viestejä: 16532
Sijainti: Bearcity
Liittynyt: 01.01.00
Sukupuoli: Mies
Re: pörpör - A-V:n mopoprojektia
Vastaus #91 - 24.10.11 klo 19:15:36
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SamiN kirjoitti 24.10.11 klo 17:14:09:
Komia "talli" tohon rakenteluun.. Mitenkäs hallitus tykkää gason hajusta sisätilossa?  Virnistys Virnistys Silmänisku Silmänisku

heh heh Silmänisku eipä tuo ole valittanut...  Pyöritä silmiä

nooh paljastetaan, täähän on mun navetassa - tehty vaan mukavaksi  Mahtava
« Viimeksi muokattu: 24.10.11 klo 19:16:31 Kirjoittaja A-V »  
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just ramblin'...

Viestejä: 16532
Sijainti: Bearcity
Liittynyt: 01.01.00
Sukupuoli: Mies
Re: pörpör - A-V:n mopoprojektia
Vastaus #92 - 20.05.12 klo 16:11:23
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tuata tuata. naputtelin tossa toiselle foorumille tarinaa tämän kevään harjoittelusta mopon kanssa.. kopsaan suoraan tähän lontooksi... jos kiinnostaa niin tutustukaas Silmänisku  "tein ite ja säästin..." Kliseinen

And back yet again! Hymiö Been quite busy with my cars and the house so the bike has been put on the background a bit in the last half a year or so. However I started on the seat and it's going along 'OK' for my first try at making one from scratch.

So here's what I started with, some sheetmetal, bent straight on the sides and a few hammers. Did not copy the original seat pan as I first thought, because it would have ended up looking too much like the original which I am intent on replacing with something that looks better to my eyes.

After some cutting and again hammering, it slowly dawned on my how much work is ahead, oh well.. I did get started...

I started with getting the general lines of the seat, and then measured how much I'd need to modify it to make it fit from the sides as well...

First 'test-seatings completed', realized it was much too wide, especially in the front so I thought to continue with that...

Tried to minimize the cutting, but...

Ended up cutting the pan into four pieces, it just would not fit right otherwise. But it was getting close to what I wanted, slowly but surely...

After playing around with a 4-piece puzzle, I roughly taped the parts in the right place.

Since I'm no welder, I took a short trip to my mates house and he tacked the 4 pieces together. Well enough so they stick, but stay adjustable. At this time I also realized I'd have to fasten the seat somehow to the frame, so I ended up using the back fender support for the holes which I can bolt thru and from front I kept it simple, just a small piece of 4mm steel which slides under the tank. I did think about using the original seat fastening system where it would stay openable, but no such luck - they were simply too wide for what I was designing - so I had to cut the original seat fasteners off. Pity, but they're intact if I want to revert back to the BIG seat.

And again to my mates house for some welding, this time full on welds not tacking. Also the bolts to the rear, due to the fact that I couldn't reach them after the padding is on. So I will have to remove the rear fender to take off the seat in the future. A price i'll gladly pay.

And after getting a result I was happy with I just grinded the welds, did some test-seating (and you should have seen me smile.. Silmänisku ) and cleaned up the pan of surface rust from storage + applied some black industrial strength paint on it.

So now I had something to sit on, but hmm. Never done any work on padding or leather so... I looked around what I could find in the storage and camping mattress hit my eye. That just might work...

After applying spray glue to the seatpan...

And cutting the camping mattress into a bit more manageable size and also spray glue on that and off to wait 15 minutes for them to cure.

I was suprised how well the camping mattress adjusted to the contours of the seat pan, just enough pressure without ripping it and hold a few seconds and the glue did it's job. I did have to cut a few direct corners and also decided to leave some extra in the front bottom to insulate any possible rattling of metal to metal.

And then the underside... slowly but surely bending it and pushing it to the glue on the backsides. Unbelievable how well it took on.

And after letting it dry for about 2 hours I tested it and realized one mattress was too little so I put on another on top. still trying to decide if I should and a third layer, we'll see....

Next I'm hoping to hit some fabric store and score some fake or real leather to cover it up, same idea basicly, glue and putting it on...  Silmänisku

In the last pic you can also see I finally found the mirrors I wanted (and some el cheapo handles I've always had on my bikes) and the rear light jumped to my sight in a local motorcycle store, seems to be close enough to what I wanted so I'll just go with it.

Still mockup phase, we'll see if I end up putting it a bit higher up... Also the rear fender placement is getting close, we'll see more on that next week.

What I'm currently doing are the carbs, based on the mcgregor cleaning manual. Damn that is a good piece of work, never worked on this type of carbs, but it seems to be going well. Second soaking ongoing (first I soaked all parts, cleaned them up and now it's the carb bodies until tomorrow..). I'll post some more maybe tomorrow on them.

Hoping to get the bike on the road for next weekend to a BBQ at a mates place...   Pyöritä silmiä
« Viimeksi muokattu: 20.05.12 klo 16:16:54 Kirjoittaja A-V »  
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Viestejä: 1173
Sijainti: Rauma
Liittynyt: 15.07.08
Re: pörpör - A-V:n mopoprojektia
Vastaus #93 - 20.05.12 klo 17:00:34
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Sopii satula hyvin kokonaisuuteen!

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Viestejä: 11094
Sijainti: Parainen
Liittynyt: 23.01.03
Sukupuoli: Mies
Re: pörpör - A-V:n mopoprojektia
Vastaus #94 - 20.05.12 klo 17:41:16
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Laita keinoeläintä.
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Viestejä: 1173
Sijainti: Rauma
Liittynyt: 15.07.08
Re: pörpör - A-V:n mopoprojektia
Vastaus #95 - 21.05.12 klo 03:54:59
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Multa varmaan liikenis keino lehmää... mustan väristä...

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just ramblin'...

Viestejä: 16532
Sijainti: Bearcity
Liittynyt: 01.01.00
Sukupuoli: Mies
Re: pörpör - A-V:n mopoprojektia
Vastaus #96 - 21.05.12 klo 05:30:48
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tjoo keinoeläimeen oon kallistumassa... ja mustaa on tulossa, mutta hakusessa on semmosta hiukan enemmän tekstuurin omaavaa keinonahkaa (pysyy paremmin pyörän päällä..). Käyn kattelemassa paikallisessa jos löytyy...
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just ramblin'...

Viestejä: 16532
Sijainti: Bearcity
Liittynyt: 01.01.00
Sukupuoli: Mies
Re: pörpör - A-V:n mopoprojektia
Vastaus #97 - 31.05.12 klo 07:24:05
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noniiii. kaasarit tehty, istuin tehty, säädöt tehty, sähköt tehty,vilkut/valot/jne. Eilen yönä käyntiin ja tänäaamuna töihin.. Lievästi sanottuna hyvin onnistunut projekti..  Mahtava

Nyt Hornetin kimppuun...
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just ramblin'...

Viestejä: 16532
Sijainti: Bearcity
Liittynyt: 01.01.00
Sukupuoli: Mies
Re: pörpör - A-V:n mopoprojektia
Vastaus #98 - 31.05.12 klo 17:24:36
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Sain mopon tosiaan ajoon, tässä vielä parit kuvat ja selitykset (lontoota kun ovat copypaste tuuttisivuilta).

Carbs, carbs, carbs, carbs... Last stages into it so I took a few shots for you to see..

After this it was only the bench synch and install. Oh ye, found one extra part - all others found their place. See the plastic ring on the bottom right? And no, it's not one of the rings that go to the float discs on top - I have those in place. And no, it's not one of the rubber plugs from the bottom either.  No clue, but everything seems to work fine without it... Silmänisku

Here's a couple pics installed with the cleaned up airbox (and new filter inside).

And then onto the seat. I said before, one camping mattress or two didn't cut it, so I cut in a third slice and added some foam as well.

Then cut the fake leather to a more manageable size.

After this sun was fading pretty fast and my working lights really aren't that good for photography I just added glue to both the fake leather and the seat, waited 15 minutes put on the front and same deal with the back. Took a considerable amount of stretching and cursing and this type of fake leather doesn't really work well with heat so I decided to do folds in the back. Not as good as sowing or exact fit vinyl, but should be very durable and feels a lot better than vinyl.

Left it to dry on the kitchen table (too cold outside at night) and put in on first thing this morning before riding to work...

So yeah, it's done! Although as I get some kilometers under it I may make some changes, but this will do for now.

After work today I took a few pics of the bike as it is now. Rear signals are taped on (yes, will figure out something better, but I neeeeed to ride) and exhausts are still the old italo-pipes. But here it is for ya:

Ja tässä aktiiviset apurit koko rempan ajalta....

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Javelin AMX -71 rules!

Viestejä: 6271
Sijainti: Vantaa
Liittynyt: 24.01.03
Sukupuoli: Mies
Re: pörpör - A-V:n mopoprojektia
Vastaus #99 - 31.05.12 klo 19:51:40
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Ihan komia, mutta eikös tuo ketjusuoja nyt törrötä ihan liian kauas taakse.
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just ramblin'...

Viestejä: 16532
Sijainti: Bearcity
Liittynyt: 01.01.00
Sukupuoli: Mies
Re: pörpör - A-V:n mopoprojektia
Vastaus #100 - 04.06.12 klo 07:26:12
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KK kirjoitti 31.05.12 klo 19:51:40:
Ihan komia, mutta eikös tuo ketjusuoja nyt törrötä ihan liian kauas taakse.

jep jep Silmänisku suunnitelmissa on hävittää toi muovihässäkkä kokonaan kunhan saan aikaan vaihdettua ketjut ja rattaat. kun näissä vanhoissa on jotain ihmeen öljymössöä joka lentelee ympäriinsä kun nykyversioissa ketjuvahaa joka pysyy ketjussa likaamatta punttia..  Silmänisku
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just ramblin'...

Viestejä: 16532
Sijainti: Bearcity
Liittynyt: 01.01.00
Sukupuoli: Mies
Re: pörpör - A-V:n mopoprojektia
Vastaus #101 - 15.06.12 klo 07:42:06
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Nappasin nuo vanhat ruosteiset pöntöt irti ja uudet tuutit tilalle... ja juttu taas tualta mopofoorumilta suoraan lontooksi.. Silmänisku


Got my new exhaust on yesterday (or actually just new mufflers). I was too lazy to do the black exhaust tape for the pipes so I just swapped the mufflers. Took a very long time to do, because one of the ex-owners had decided to weld together the exhaust from original front pipes to collectors from a CB750F (i think) and some older italo pipes.. damn fool... Kieli

So a lot of cutting and careful grinding later...

the old with the new (which has a lot of dirt on it due to fitting it on with dirty gloves..)

The old pipes were cut in the rear, making them rattle and sound strange. They were also quite badly rusted..

I got these mufflers for less than 50 euros a piece, they look great and sound even better. It's now a low rumble and it really sounds like a four cylinder bike instead of a lawnmower like the old pipes. I REALLY like the change Hymiö

you may also guess that I'm thinking of buying 2 more and putting together a 4:4 set from these... Some adjustments needed to replace the collectors but if I'm putting on that insulator tape on the pipes anyhow (they are badly rusted..) I wouldn't need the adjustment pipes chromed... hmmm...

Some bad news as well, my left side mirror rattled loose and fell to the asphalt from the bar end while driving to work this morning. ffs. I was too pissed off to turn around and look for it, since I was doing about 90km/h while it fell. I guess I'll get a new one or just install original mirros instead.. Silmänisku we'll see...

Since it's still clear I'm missing on a lot of power from the bike I made a reservation to the bike-doctor next wednesday to get the valve clearance, ignition and carb synch done professionally. Seems like I'll never have the time to do them myself so it's better this way. Silmänisku
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just ramblin'...

Viestejä: 16532
Sijainti: Bearcity
Liittynyt: 01.01.00
Sukupuoli: Mies
Re: pörpör - A-V:n mopoprojektia
Vastaus #102 - 25.03.13 klo 07:32:04
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Alkoi ruosteiset putket häiritä ja en aatellut ostaa vielä uusia joten...

« Viimeksi muokattu: 25.03.13 klo 07:32:40 Kirjoittaja A-V »  
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just ramblin'...

Viestejä: 16532
Sijainti: Bearcity
Liittynyt: 01.01.00
Sukupuoli: Mies
Re: pörpör - A-V:n mopoprojektia
Vastaus #103 - 18.04.13 klo 16:28:15
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Tuli tuossa 500km jo ajeltua nurkkia ympäri.. oli meinaa sen verran jo vähälumista Silmänisku

ja nyt suunnitelmien mukaan meni renkaat vaihtoon... (toinen 11v, toinen 9v vanhat... ja turhan kovat ja liukkaat)

otin vielä turistivideoinkin:

(olis sillukin ylpee, oikeen KAKSI videota!)  Silmänisku

ja sitten renkaiden vaihtoon...

Uudet renkaat on Avon Roadrider AM26 ja kooltaan 110-90/19 etu + 150/70-18 taka. Pitkällisen etsinnän jälkeen halvimmat löytyi nettikaupasta, 188eur kotiin kuljetettuna. Maksoin Paypalillä ja renkaat tuli kotiin noin viikossa, toimii. btw. vastaavat kivijalkaliikkeestä 300eur+.

« Viimeksi muokattu: 18.04.13 klo 16:33:37 Kirjoittaja A-V »  
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Viestejä: 1891
Sijainti: Hämeenlinna
Liittynyt: 04.09.09
Sukupuoli: Mies
Re: pörpör - A-V:n mopoprojektia
Vastaus #104 - 18.04.13 klo 17:33:52
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Monenmoista Mp-nostinta nähnyt mutta tälle keksinnölle on pakko peukuttaa Hymiö
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